Case Study: Local Control Basket
Our client aimed to maximize incremental DOS (Direct, Organic and Branded Search) traffic by optimizing the creative formats and station mix for TV and radio, all within a defined 4-week budget.
To reach this goal, we needed to:
Identify the most cost-effective ad unit lengths, creatives, stations, and dayparts.
Maximize incremental traffic while maintaining strict budget control.
Use spot attribution to determine the performance of different ad lengths and optimize accordingly.
Through our Spot Attribution approach, we discovered that:
15-second ads generated as much incremental traffic as 30-second ads but at a significantly lower cost, increasing cost efficiency.
We developed a Spot Attribution Optimizer that provided exact budget allocations for different unit lengths (favoring 15s), creatives, stations, and dayparts, ensuring the most effective media mix.
Our approach led to notable improvements:
A 15% increase in cost efficiency for both TV and radio campaigns.
Optimized creative and station mix, driving substantial incremental DOS traffic within the 4-week budget.